
work with me

I’m the non-judgmental partner that will help you navigate your journey back to health, to support you every step of the way.

I’ve been there too. Together, we’ll get through it.

work with me


I’m the non-judgmental partner that will help you navigate your journey back to health, to support you every step of the way.

I’ve been there too. Together, we’ll get through it.


Health Coaching

Whether you want to achieve and maintain your ideal weight, get your office on board with a healthier lifestyle or learn how to navigate the supermarket and make healthier choices, I offer a range of health coaching services that can help.

I believe that no one diet works for everyone. I advocate balance over perfection and I teach my clients to listen to their bodies to inform their decisions. My health coaching services reflect my philosophy.

I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Ready to start? Contact me so we can discuss whether you're a good candidate for my services.

Group Coaching

Do you feel frustrated because you don't know what, when or how much to eat? Do you worry that you'll never lose those last 5 or 10 lbs or that your love of food and wine will forever stand in the way of the body you wish you had?

Most women who struggle with their relationship with food have been fed the same myths by media and society.

  1. Eat less/fewer calories/smaller meals to lose weight and look like the models on the magazine covers
  2. Healthy eating is expensive and cooking is time-consuming
  3. You can eat whatever you like if you exercise

TRIM Boot Camp is an 8-week program that pairs workouts with the proper nutrition for optimal results.

With the TRIM method, you will burn stubborn fat, build lean muscle, gain confidence and be in control of your health in a way you never have before.

Learn More

Corporate Wellness

I learned to navigate my health while working in the corporate world. I understand the benefits of happy, healthy employees. I believe corporate wellness is within reach with the right resources and support.

A happier, healthier, more balanced employee yields more productivity, focus and creativity invaluable in a competitive marketplace.

As your Corporate Wellness Partner, I work with your HR team or Wellness Coordinator to devise a program that fits your corporate culture. I offer speaking, educational workshops, lunch and learns, teleclasses, web casts and group coaching on an as-needed or ongoing basis.

My speaking experience ranges from large-scale conferences, corporate law firms and international retailers to small start-ups.

Learn more

what clients are saying:

Marissa’s tailored approach helped me pinpoint my why and choose a clear direction with my goals. With Marissa’s support, questions, and accountability, I have made some significant lifestyle changes that, coupled with an exercise routine, have resulted in a total loss of 6 lbs., including 4.5 inches off my waist. I’m excited to continue to use my why to continue to work on my next set of goals! -Gianna

When we work together, I tailor an approach to diet and lifestyle specific to you and your goals.
