{"id":14382,"date":"2019-08-27T06:00:23","date_gmt":"2019-08-27T10:00:23","guid":{"rendered":"../../../../../https@www.whereineedtobe.com/@p=14382"},"modified":"2022-07-28T20:30:47","modified_gmt":"2022-07-29T00:30:47","slug":"my-pregnancy-fitness-routine","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"../../../../my-pregnancy-fitness-routine/default.htm","title":{"rendered":"My Pregnancy Fitness Routine"},"content":{"rendered":"


I’m not going to sugarcoat it – my pregnancy fitness routine isn’t what I expected it to be. Before pregnancy, knowing that exercise was healthy during pregnancy – it helps reduce swelling, reduces your chances of gestational diabetes, improves sleep, increases energy and lots more – I thought I would do everything I had done before. That turned out not<\/strong> to be the case. Although early on, I was disappointed that my pregnancy fitness plans were derailed, now – at 30 weeks pregnant – I’m at peace with it. <\/p>\n

Before I tell you about what I’ve been doing, I want to reiterate that every pregnancy is different. Some women will be able to keep up with what they’ve done in the past, others won’t. Either is perfectly fine and healthy. In fact, that’s one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned during my pregnancy – to let go and accept what will be. <\/p>\n

Before pregnancy, I was consistent with 6-day-a-week workouts that included running (including sprint intervals), strength training with (heavy) weights and barre. Then IVF happened and i had to back off for a week or two here and there. Enter my first trimester<\/a> and I had to back off entirely. All the stopping and starting was difficult on me both mentally and physically, but I was hopeful I would get back to exercising even if it wasn’t in the ways I had before. <\/p>\n

At the end of my first trimester, my doctor cleared me to exercise again and said I could do everything I had done previously. At that time, my energy wasn’t high and because this was my first pregnancy and one that started out troubled, I was uneasy about resuming my workouts at the intensity I had been. I started back slowly and decided against any jumping, heavy lifting or fast sprinting. It took awhile to settle into a rhythm, but eventually I found what worked for me. <\/p>\n