{"id":12778,"date":"2018-11-06T06:00:32","date_gmt":"2018-11-06T11:00:32","guid":{"rendered":"../../../../../https@www.whereineedtobe.com/@p=12778"},"modified":"2022-08-01T20:53:40","modified_gmt":"2022-08-02T00:53:40","slug":"a-beginners-guide-to-matcha","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"../../../../a-beginners-guide-to-matcha/default.htm","title":{"rendered":"A Beginner’s Guide to Matcha"},"content":{"rendered":"


Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve likely heard of matcha! Whether or not you’ve tried it (and like it!) may be another story. As someone who has loved the green tea beverage from first sip, I’m partial to matcha and all of its many health benefits. However, if you’ve never tried it or you’re matcha-curious but have yet to dive into a cup, here’s a quick guide to matcha for beginners. <\/p>\n

What is Matcha? <\/strong><\/p>\n

Matcha is a centuries-old Japanese tradition – the finely ground powder of shade-grown green tea plants. Because matcha is made from the whole tea leaf, it’s a powerful superfood in and of itself. And while the tradition of matcha is age-old, the wellness industry has recently seen a boom in its popularity perhaps because matcha is experiencing a reinvention in the way it’s consumed. From lattes to baked goods, there are currently endless ways to reap the health benefits of matcha. <\/p>\n

Why Matcha?<\/strong><\/p>\n

You’re probably aware of the numerous health benefits of green tea, but if not, here’s a quick refresher – it contains natural chemicals that give it anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, it promotes clear, healthy skin and also aids metabolism for easier weight loss. Now, imagine a drink that’s even more powerful than a standard green tea bag and you’ve got matcha!<\/p>\n

Matcha is basically super-powered green tea and these are just a few of the benefits: <\/p>\n